Join us for the Witching Hour!
Gather your party and depart on this awesome quest! Follow the path to enlightenment as you and your little monster gain skill points in wisdom and intelligence along the way. Overcome challenges throughout the week and improve your bond with your familiar as a team! Complete your journey and earn the title of Pupprentice from the Resident Witches at Mythic Bones.
Experience the JOY of positive, welfare-driven training and say goodbye to the pressure of having to intimidate your beloved familiar. Instead, feel encouraged and empowered as you grow closer on this journey together, without the use of harsh tools and techniques that are scientifically proven to be harmful.
This 5-week course is taught by two Certified Professional Dog Trainers and runs on Saturdays @ 10:00am. Sign up below to be notified of the next available start date! Puppies up to 1yr old are welcome to participate, as well as all of our existing clients!
Price: $200
What can we expect to learn on this quest?
Basic skills such as: Name Response, Voluntary Attention, Recall, Sit, Down, Stay, Loose Leash Walking, Polite Greetings
Crate Training and Potty Training
What is good puppy socialization? Teaching healthy relaxation skills and independence, training in public spaces, and knowing when it is appropriate to greet a person/dog.
Proper training equipment and reinforcement
About My Breed: Common behaviors you can expect from your puppy, and enrichment activities that may benefit them!
What should I pack for the journey?
A treat pouch or fanny pack
Your beloved familiar’s breakfast and favorite treats
A high-value treat like cheese, turkey hotdog, or shredded chicken
Your little monster in their regular leash/collar/harness
Check out our Recommended Products for more suggestions!
For additional questions about The Witching Hour, contact us at MythicBones.Training@gmail.com
Please take a moment to sign our Terms of Service before registering for this quest!
We can’t wait to start training with you and your little monster!
Let’s bring a little MAGIC into your dog’s life!
Recommended Products for Dogs of All Ages
We’ve seen a thing or two in our time as dog trainers - let us make your life easier by recommending products to help you and your dog be successful!
None of these products are required in order to attend class - but they are highly encouraged!
Featured Product
Featured Product
Petsafe 3-in-1 No-Pull Harness
Affordable, Effective, and Safe for your Little Monster.
Our top-rated harness in feedback from our clients, and what we use regularly for training and field trips.
Crate Training Essentials
Check your local Homegoods, Marshalls or TJ Maxx for some of these supplies! This list is less brand-specific and more to give you an idea of what may be helpful for your pup’s crate training adventures✨
All You Can
The results are in - dogs LOVE these tasty treats!
Toss a few into your treat mix to
✨add a little spice✨
to your dog’s training sessions!
*These products are not intended to be used as a meal replacement or source of nutrition for your dog.*